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Retaining Wall Builders in Leawood | The Hidden Truth

Looking for retaining wall builders in Leawood? There’s more to it than what meets the eye—literally! You might think the middle of a wall is just, well, more wall. But pros know retaining walls need to be strong enough to hold a lot of weight, or they could fall apart and become dangerous (not to mention ugly).

To prevent this, retaining walls should contain a proportionate support system and drainage routes. It’s crucial to choose a retaining wall builder that understands these behind the scenes details. Discover from GD Services what to look for in a pro and why experience matters.

Project Considerations

When selecting a retaining wall builder, there are a few important considerations to review.

Builder Experience

Ask the builder you’re considering about their previous work questions like:

  • How many retaining walls have you designed and installed?
  • What’s the largest size of retaining wall you’ve worked on?

Their responses should give you some valuable insight.

Builder Knowledge

It’s also smart to ask a potential builder about their process and installation details. Listen for these key steps:

  • Every retaining wall project begins with digging “footing” for the foundation. The footing should be proportionate to the height of the wall to provide adequate support.
  • Next, a retaining wall professional knows a lot goes into the support system for a retaining wall. They should describe how the base fits together and locks in place.
  • Drainage is important, so make sure they say something about it. Without proper drainage, retained water can cause weight and freezing issues, leading to expansion and cracking in the stone. Water retention is the start of the end for a retaining wall.

Builder Availability

A builder who’s free right now might not have many projects or do much planning. Builders who plan ahead are usually busy working on sites and getting everything organized in advance.

Experience Expertise with GD Services

GD Services is a premier hardscaping company with countless retaining wall projects in the books. With our experience, skill set, and attention to detail, we ensure your project is completed to the highest quality. For more information about retaining wall builders in Leawood, book a consultation.

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